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Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024

The Effect of Training Methods and Body Mass Index on the Speed and Agility of Klaten SSB Players Age 13-14 Years
1Zumma Reyzaldi Azra, 2Wawan Sundawan Suherman, 3Ali Munir
1,2,3Department of Sport Science, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i01-47

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In this study, the objectives are: (1) to determine the difference in the effect of zig-zag run and shuttle run training methods on speed and agility; (2) to determine the difference in the effect of low and high body mass index on speed and agility; (3) to determine the interaction effect of zig-zag run and shuttle training models with low and high body mass index on speed and agility in Klaten SSB U 13-14 players. This type of research is experimental research using 2x2 factorial. The population in this study were Klaten SSB players aged 13-14 years who were actively training with 35 people. The sample in this study obtained 20 players. The research instruments used in this study were the 30-meter run to measure speed and the Illinois agility test to measure agility. In this study, the analysis technique used two-way ANOVA. The results of this study indicate that (1) there was an influence on the difference in the speed and agility of the Zig-zag run and shuttle run methods in SSB players Klaten aged 13-14 with a value on the Fcalculate speed of 5.528 and a sig. value of 0.032 whereas the value on Fcalculate agility is 7.837 and the Sig.013 where the analysis revealed that the zig-zag run method was more effective in improving agility and Shuttle Run is more efficient in increasing speed. (2) there was a influence of the difference between the index of low body mass and high body mass there was speed and flexibility in the 14-14 years old SSB player Kleten with a rating on the speed of Fcalculate is 5.490 and Sig. value is 0.032 while the value of the Fcalculate agility was 5.448 and the sig. score is 0.033 where the results explained that lower BMT increases are more effective on agility than low speed, whereas higher IMT increase is more effectively on the velocity than the speed while increasing high BMT is more effective increasing to speed than agility. (3) There was no influence on the interaction between the exercise method and the body mass index on speed and agility in SSB players Klaten aged 13-14 years with a value against speed Fcalculate of 2.635 and a value of Sig. 0.124 whereas the value against agility Fcalculate of 1.252 and Sig. of 0.252. Thus it can be concluded that to train the speed more effectively using the shuttle run method for low or high BMT, whereas to train agility more efficiently using the zig-zag running method for lower or higher BMT.


Body mass index, speed, agility, shuttle run, zig-zag run.


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